As COVID-19 affects all sectors of life we must consider the most marginalized and underserved populations among us and the service providers that work hard to protect them. The Southwest Indigenous Women’s Coalition (SWIWC) is a statewide (Arizona) non-profit organization, which offers training, technical assistance, policy advocacy, outreach, education, and resources to local American Indian grass roots, boots-on-the-ground service providers that are on the front lines working to end violence against indigenous women and girls that go missing and murdered.
In light of the 2020 pandemic, SWIWC is focusing its attention on supporting service providers with resources such as personal protective equipment (PPE), food, transportation, clothing, and other essential items.
SWIWC serves as a conduit directly providing services and resources to tribal service providers. By supporting SWIWC you are supporting those service providers. See below for the how your contribution breaks down
All contributions above $100 are tax deductible
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